MATLAB: Do check boxes in the uitable display “true” and “false” instead of ticks in MATLAB 7.6 (R2008a)


The check boxes in my uitable display "true" and "false" instead of ticks. This occurs for a GUI I built using GUIDE.
When I run my GUI, open another GUI figure window with a uitable, and then close it to revert back to my original uitable GUI, I find that clicking on the checkboxes no longer works.

Best Answer

This can happen if you have set the 'ColumnFormat' property for your uitable to be emtpy matrices in your MATLAB code. For example,
set(uitable_handle, 'ColumnFormat', { [], [], [], [] } )
This confuses MATLAB, especially if the column has already been defined as checkboxes in GUIDE. Seach your code for the keyword "columnformat" to find any lines where the 'ColumnFormat' property has been set as above. Then add the string 'logical' to the appropriate column. For instance, if your first column is the checkbox column, use this:
set(uitable_handle, 'ColumnFormat', { 'logical', [], [], [] } )