MATLAB: Cellarray which contains different types of data

cell arraysfindfunction

belows came from the results from codes in editor page;
txt1 =
%txt1 10×1 1202 cell global
cc =
%cc 4×1 482 cell global
% I need to use ismember or getname function for searching cc rows into txt1 rows like; [row,col] = ismember(txt1,cc) but it works same data type. Is there any solution I can apply or is there any way to transform txt1 and cc matrixes like that;
%in here, ismember function(ismember(txt1,cc)) works properly.

Best Answer

A = {'text', 1000, 2000, 'data'}
A_as_strings = cellfun(@num2str, A, 'un', 0)
and then you can use ismember ...