MATLAB: Error using cell/ismem​ber>cellis​memberR201​2a error

cell arraysfunction

% belows came from command window not codes,
txt1 =
cc =
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
txt1 10x1 1202 cell global
cc 1x1 122 cell global
%when I perform this code
[row,col] = ismember(txt1,cc)
%it gives Error using cell/ismember>cellismemberR2012a error. I didn't understand what is wrong, txt1 and cc are cells. When I create txt1 and cc matrixes in workspace like txt1=[{'p4004'},{'4005'},{'4007'},{'4009'}]….. it works without any error.

Best Answer

AFAIK and understand the documentation: ismember doesn't take a cell array, which contains different types of data. In your case double and string.