MATLAB: Reading a text file with attached string data

integerread datatext filetextreadtextscanwhitespace

Hello everybody,
I have a trouble in reading the text file with some attached data. Every value is a 5-digital integer. So I used textscan to get the value:
fid = fopen('text.txt','r');
priformat1='%5d %5d %5d %5d %5d %5d %5d %5d %5d %5d %5d %5d %5d %5d';
% priformat1='%5s %5s %5s %5s %5s %5s %5s %5s %5s %5s %5s %5s %5s %5s'; I also try
st = fgetl(fid);
if strfind(st,'NODES')
F = cell2mat(textscan(fid,priformat1));
F = double(F)
error('no NODES found !');
st = fgetl(fid);
if ~isempty(findstr(st,'ELEMT'))
G = cell2mat(textscan(fid,priformat1));
G = abs(double(G));
error('Oops...*.PRI file problem - no ELEMT found !');
However the value I obtained is not correct when the value is attached. For example: in the fourth line of NODES after 9518: 9825101076….is not recognized well by textscan. sometimes the data like ' 10110010', if I used 5%d as parameters, the output will be 10110, 10. But I need is 101,10010 I tried a lot input parameters such as whitespace, %5c, and textread…. I was not managed to read such text.
Could you help me for this problem? thank you very much.
———–the following is the txt file——————
-3 666 1595 1693 1911 2154 2434 2464 2578 2845 3276 3420 3752 3837
-3 4324 4329 4624 4924 5194 5498 5715 5737 5832 6048 6083 6261 6579
-3 6647 6673 6772 6806 7085 7292 7597 7694 7803 8111 8135 8329 8640
-3 8809 8891 9205 9518 98251017610195102671039810508106541082411062
-4 666 1595 1693 1911 2154 2434 2464 2578 2845 3276 3420 3752 3837
-4 4324 4329 4624 4924 5194 5498 5715 5737 5832 6048 6083 6261 6579
-4 6647 6673 6772 6806 7085 7292 7597 7694 7803 8111 8135 8329 8640
1 462 468 687 943 947 1135 1138 1141 1144 1351 1591 1596 1598
1 2350 2356 2522 2711 2715 2860 2863 2866 3020 3197 3202 3204 4786
1 4792 5403 6107 6111 6630 6633 6636 6639 6642 6645 6648 6651 6654
1 6657 6660 7229 7889 7894 7896 9728 97341009010497105011078510788
2 462 468 687 943 947 1135 1138 1141 1144 1351 1591 1596 1598
2 2350 2356 2522 2711 2715 2860 2863 2866 3020 3197 3202 3204 4786
--------------------the end of txt file-------(p.s. the number of line is not fixed)
————–The matrix I need is:——
-3 666 1595 1693 1911 2154 2434 2464 2578 2845 3276 3420 3752 3837
-3 4324 4329 4624 4924 5194 5498 5715 5737 5832 6048 6083 6261 6579
-3 6647 6673 6772 6806 7085 7292 7597 7694 7803 8111 8135 8329 8640
-3 8809 8891 9205 9518 9825 10176 10195 10267 10398 10508 10654 10824 11062
-3 11116 11211 11335 11355 11598 11624 11702 11843 11939 12121 12164 12195 12406
-3 12446 12508 12512 12526 12727 12770 12964 12969 13088 13135 13290 13709 13910
-4 666 1595 1693 1911 2154 2434 2464 2578 2845 3276 3420 3752 3837
-4 4324 4329 4624 4924 5194 5498 5715 5737 5832 6048 6083 6261 6579
-4 6647 6673 6772 6806 7085 7292 7597 7694 7803 8111 8135 8329 8640
1 462 468 687 943 947 1135 1138 1141 1144 1351 1591 1596 1598
1 2350 2356 2522 2711 2715 2860 2863 2866 3020 3197 3202 3204 4786
1 4792 5403 6107 6111 6630 6633 6636 6639 6642 6645 6648 6651 6654
1 6657 6660 7229 7889 7894 7896 9728 9734 10090 10497 10501 10785 10788
1 10791 10794 10797 10800 11134 11517 11522 11524 12186 12188 12190 12192 12240
1 12242 12244 12368 12370 12372 12374 12376 12378 12380 12382 12384 12386 12388
2 462 468 687 943 947 1135 1138 1141 1144 1351 1591 1596 1598
2 2350 2356 2522 2711 2715 2860 2863 2866 3020 3197 3202 3204 4786

Best Answer

You cannot read a fixed width file with a numeric specifier, e.g. %5d, because it will end reading the first -3 as -3111 which has 5 "positions" as indicated by %5d.
You can read in fixed columns as %5c, an example:
str = ' -311116112111133511355115981162411702118431193912121121641219512406';
out = textscan(str,repmat('%5c',1,14),'Whitespace','');
I suggest to do:
fid = fopen('test.txt','r');
if strfind(fgetl(fid),'NODES')
% Read in as char X by 70
tmp = textscan(fid,'%70c','Whitespace','');
sz = size(tmp{1});
% Fundamental reshape and add a white space
st = char(' ', reshape(tmp{1}.',5,14*sz(1)));
out = textscan(st,'%5f','CollectOutput',1);
out = reshape(out{1},14,sz(1)).';
error('no NODES found !');
% Read in as cellstring to identify the headlines
fid = fopen('test.txt','r');
tmp = textscan(fid,'%s','Delimiter','','Whitespace','');
% Find start of NODES and ELEMT
sten = find(strcmpi('nodes',tmp{1}) | ...
% Extract nodes
nodes = char(tmp{1}(sten(1)+1:sten(2)-1));
if ~isempty(nodes)
sz = size(nodes);
% Reshape and add a white space

nodes = char(' ', reshape(nodes.',5,14*sz(1)));
nodes = textscan(nodes,'%5f','CollectOutput',1);
nodes = reshape(nodes{1},14,sz(1)).';
% Extract nodes
elemt = char(tmp{1}(sten(2)+1:end-1));
if ~isempty(elemt)
sz = size(elemt);
% Reshape and add a white space
elemt = char(' ', reshape(elemt.',5,14*sz(1)));
elemt = textscan(elemt,'%5f','CollectOutput',1);
elemt = reshape(elemt{1},14,sz(1)).';
fmt = repmat('%5f',1,14);
opt = {'EmptyValue',0,'CollectOutput',1};
% Extract nodes
nodes = tmp{1}(sten(1)+1:sten(2)-1);
if ~isempty(nodes)
nodes = cellfun(@(x) textscan(char(' ',reshape(x.',5,[])), fmt, opt{:}), nodes);
nodes = cat(1,nodes{:});
% Extract elemt
elemt = tmp{1}(sten(2)+1:end-1);
if ~isempty(elemt)
elemt = cellfun(@(x) textscan(char(' ',reshape(x.',5,[])), fmt, opt{:}), elemt);
elemt = cat(1,elemt{:});