MATLAB: How to use textscan without delimiter

fixed widthMATLABno delimitertextscan

Let's say some numeric data is not delimited, buth we can delimit it based on their location. For example, I would like to read the following data using textscan:
950 99810251026 999 496
951 999102610271000 785
9521000102710281001 497
9531001102810291002 498
10001061108410851062 438
10011062108510861063 439
my code is:
cell2mat(textscan(fid, '%4f%4f%4f%4f%4f%4f'));
and the result is:
950 9981 251 26 999 496
951 9991 261 271 0 785
9521 1 271 281 1 497
9531 11 281 291 2 498
1000 1061 1084 1085 1062 438
1001 1062 1085 1086 1063 439
but what I wanted is:
950 998 1025 1026 999 496
951 999 1026 1027 1000 785
952 1000 1027 1028 1001 497
953 1001 1028 1029 1002 498
1000 1061 1084 1085 1062 438
1001 1062 1085 1086 1063 439
What's wrong with my code?

Best Answer

Must be done in two steps
  • read as character to avoid the white-space-magic
  • convert to numerical
fid = fopen( 'cssm.txt' );
cac = textscan( fid, '%4c%4c%4c%4c%4c%4c', 'Whitespace', '' );
fclose( fid );
buf = cellfun( @(str) str2num( str ), cac, 'uni', false );
cell2mat( buf )
ans =
950 998 1025 1026 999 496
951 999 1026 1027 1000 785
952 1000 1027 1028 1001 497
953 1001 1028 1029 1002 498
1000 1061 1084 1085 1062 438
1001 1062 1085 1086 1063 439
The last line of the text file needs to be terminated by a new-line-character(?)