Color – Creating Wordle-Like Colored Letter Boxes in LaTeX


I want to create some letters boxed as in the Wordle game:
screenshot from the wordle game: letters in colored square boxes
But so far i have not found a tool that allows me to do it. I want to embed them both in the title and in the document. How would you make them?

Best Answer

Here is a possibility using tikz with the matrix library.

I defined three colors: great, good and bad, which you can adjust to your liking.

The wordle is a TikZ matrix with the nodes filled with bad by default, unless you include |[fill=<color>]| in the cell. To use in a title you must use ampersand replacement.

The node style is set globally using tikzset with the style wordlematrix. You can adjust the height, width, spacing and font there.

enter image description here

To save some typing, I made styles for fill=great and fill=good,

g/.style={fill=great}, h/.style={fill=good}

and added them to the tikzset. Here is the code:


\tikzset{wordlematrix/.style={matrix of nodes, nodes={anchor=center, fill=bad, minimum height=1cm, minimum width=1cm}, column sep=2pt, row sep=2pt, color=white, font=\sffamily\Large\bfseries},
    g/.style={fill=great}, h/.style={fill=good},  n/.style={fill=none, color=black, draw=dark-border, thick,minimum size=1cm-\pgflinewidth}, e/.style={fill=none, color=black, draw=light-border, thick,minimum size=1cm-\pgflinewidth}}

\definecolor{great}{rgb}{0.416, 0.667, 0.392}
\definecolor{good}{rgb}{0.788, 0.706, 0.345}
\definecolor{bad}{rgb}{0.471, 0.486, 0.494}
\definecolor{light-border}{rgb}{0.827, 0.839, 0.855}
\definecolor{dark-border}{rgb}{0.529, 0.541, 0.549}

\title{Here is a 
    \matrix(titlewordle)[wordlematrix, ampersand replacement=\&]{ 
    W \& |[g]|O \& |[g]|R \& D \& |[h]|L \& E\\
    in a title}
\author{Sandy G}


Here is a wordle in the document:
G & |[g]|R & |[g]|A & I & L\\
T & |[g]|R & |[g]|A & |[h]|C & K\\
|[g]|C & |[g]|R & |[g]|A & M & P\\
|[g]|C & |[g]|R & |[g]|A & B & S\\
|[g]|C & |[g]|R & |[g]|A & |[g]|Z & Y\\
|[g]|C & |[g]|R & |[g]|A & |[g]|Z & |[g]|E\\
Here is a wordle to complete:
W & R & O & N & G\\
T & |[g]|R & |[g]|A & |[h]|C & K\\
|[e]|& |[e]| & |[e]|& |[e]| & |[e]|\\
|[e]|& |[e]| & |[e]|& |[e]| & |[e]|\\
I did it!
