[Tex/LaTex] colored boxes diagram with text


I am trying to represent a diagram with boxed like in the pictures:

enter image description here

So, 4 diagrams as showed below. The problem is that I do not know how to make them colored, with the math signs and the text in several lines. Specially, the diagram 3 seems more difficult.

Any advice or help?

Thanks to all 馃檪

Best Answer

Another solution with TikZ chains

enter image description here



\begin{tikzpicture}[start chain, 
    every node/.style={on chain},
        minimum width=3.5cm, minimum height=1.2cm, 
        text=white, font=\sffamily, align=center,   
        outer sep=0pt},
        font=\bfseries\Large, outer sep=0pt},
    node distance=0pt,
    \node[bloc] {Gasto en\\ pensiones};
    \node[simbol] {=};
    \node[bloc, fill=green!80!black] {Ingresos del sistema de \\ pensiones};

\begin{tikzpicture}[start chain, 
    every node/.style={on chain},
        minimum width=1.8cm, minimum height=1.5cm, 
        text=white, font=\sffamily, align=center,   
        outer sep=0pt},
        font=\bfseries\Large, outer sep=0pt},
    node distance = 0pt
    \node[bloc] {IRP};
    \node[simbol] {+};
    \node[bloc] {Crecimiento\\ n煤mero de \\ pensiones};
    \node[simbol] {+};
    \node[bloc] {Efecto\\ sustituci贸n\\ (altas/bajas)};
    \node[simbol] {=};
    \node[bloc, fill=green!80!black] {Inflaci贸n};
    \node[simbol] {+};
    \node[bloc, fill=green!80!black] {Crecimiento\\ real de los\\ ingresos};

\begin{tikzpicture}[start chain,
    every node/.style={on chain},
        minimum width=1.7cm, minimum height=1.5cm, 
        text=white, font=\sffamily, align=center,   
        outer sep=0pt},
        font=\bfseries\Large, outer sep=0pt,
        minimum height=1.5cm},
    node distance = 0pt
    \node[bloc] {IRP};
    \node[simbol] {=};
    \node[bloc, fill=blue!30] {Inflaci贸n};
    \node[simbol] {+};
    \node[bloc, fill=blue!30] {Crecimiento\\ real de los\\ ingresos};
    \node[simbol, fill=blue!30] {-};
    \node[bloc, fill=blue!30] {Crecimiento\\ n煤mero de \\ pensiones};
    \node[simbol, fill=blue!30] {-};
    \node[bloc, fill=blue!30] {Efecto\\ sustituci贸n\\ (altas/bajas)};

\begin{tikzpicture}[start chain,
        minimum width=2.2cm, minimum height=1.5cm, 
        text=white, font=\sffamily, align=center,   
        outer sep=0pt},
        font=\bfseries\Large, outer sep=0pt},
    lbl/.style={text=white, font=\sffamily, 
        align=center, outer sep=1mm,
        minimum width=2.2cm, fill=red!80!blue!70},
    node distance = 0pt
    \node[on chain, bloc, 
        label={[lbl]below:1,5\%}] {IRP};
    \node[on chain, simbol] {=};
    \node[on chain, bloc, fill=green!80!black, 
        label={[lbl,fill=green!80!black]below:1,5\%}] {Inflaci贸n};
    \node[on chain, simbol] {+};
    \node[on chain, bloc, fill=green!80!black,
        label={[lbl,fill=green!80!black]below:2,0\%}] {Crecimiento\\ real de los\\ ingresos};
    \node[on chain, simbol] {-};
    \node[on chain, bloc,
        label={[lbl]below:1,2\%}] {Crecimiento\\ n煤mero de \\ pensiones};
    \node[on chain, simbol] {-};
    \node[on chain, bloc,
        label={[lbl]below:0,8\%}] {Efecto\\ sustituci贸n\\ (altas/bajas)};