Undefined control sequence in equation caption



 \centering \Large \textbf{$\lambda_{c} = \frac{18.64}{B \times E^{2} }$ }

 \label{eq1:Critical wavelength}
{equation}{where B is the bending magnet magnetic  field ( B = 1T ) , E is the energy of the booster}

Best Answer

Making a test document from your fragment




 \centering \Large \textbf{$\lambda_{c} = \frac{18.64}{B \times E^{2} }$ }

 \label{eq1:Critical wavelength}
{equation}{where B is the bending magnet magnetic  field ( B = 1T ) , E is the energy of the booster}


Produces the error

! Missing $ inserted.
<inserted text> 

as blank lines are not allowed in math mode.

Deleting the blank lines you get

LaTeX Font Warning: Command \Large invalid in math mode on input line 6.   

so deletimg \Large

you get

! Undefined control sequence.
l.10 \captionof

as \captionof is defined by the caption or capt-of packages, but adding


defines \captionof command but as equations captioning is not set up you get

! Undefined control sequence.
<write> \@writefile{\ext@equation 
                                  }{\protect \contentsline {equation}{\prote...
l.14 \end{document}

as the equation already has an equation number it is hard to guess what formatting you would want for a separately numbered caption, so I suggest deleting this. Also \centering and \textbf are doing nothing in this context, so I think you want:

enter image description here



Some text
 \lambda_{c} = \frac{18.64}{B \times E^{2} }
 \label{eq1:Critical wavelength}
where $B$ is the bending magnet magnetic  field ($B = 1T$),
$E$ is the energy of the booster.
