[Tex/LaTex] Undefined control sequence \maketitle apa6 journal


I am making a journal with apa6 but when I make all the preamble, and put the make a \title command the editor says

undefined control sequence line 11

(which is \maketitle). My code:

\title{La tutela como mecanismo}
\leftheader{Jaramillo, Aristizabal}

\abstract{aqui va el abstract}
\keywords{palabras clave}
yo llevare 


Best Answer

Two problems:

  • the affiliations for the authors are missing, add \twoaffiliations{Affil. of 1st Author(s)}{Affil. 2nd Author(s)}

  • the syntax \usepackage[afilliation] is wrong, there should be {} around the package name. Anyway this package seems not to be included in standard tex installations and not available from ctan, so I cannot say if it would work if the syntax error would be fixed...

\title{La tutela como mecanismo}
\twoaffiliations{Affil. of 1st Author(s)}{Affil. 2nd Author(s)}
\leftheader{Jaramillo, Aristizabal}

\abstract{aqui va el abstract}
\keywords{palabras clave}
yo llevare 
