[Tex/LaTex] Undefined control sequence. missing \begin document


Can someone help me on this error. As I am new to latex.

Throwing an error message at \setlength{\cftbeforelostitleskip}{-64.0truept}

% Dissertation style file by John Shumway.
% Attempts to meet requirements of the Graduate Education of Arizona State 
% University
% Setup the page layout (8 1/2 x 11 one and one-half spaced page, for 12pt font)
% 1.25" side margins, 1.00" top and bottom margins
% Define singlespace and doublespace commands for 12pt fonts.
\newcommand{\doublespace} {
\newcommand{\oneandhalfspace} {
\newcommand{\singlespace} {

% Title page.
% Define "\defensemonth" "\gradmonth" "\gradyear" commands for title page.
\title{\tt$\backslash$\string title}
\author{\tt$\backslash$\string author}
\newcommand{\@defensemonth}{\tt$\backslash$\string defensemonth}
\newcommand{\@gradmonth}{\tt$\backslash$\string gradmonth}
\newcommand{\@gradyear}{\tt$\backslash$\string gradyear}
% Define "\chair" and \member commands for title page.
\newcommand{\@chair}{\tt$\backslash$\string chair}
\newcommand{\@memberOne}{\tt$\backslash$\string memberOne}
\newcommand{\@memberTwo}{\tt$\backslash$\string memberTwo}
\newcommand{\@memberThree}{\tt$\backslash$\string memberThree}
\newcommand{\@memberFour}{\tt$\backslash$\string memberFour}
% Define "\degreeName" command for Title Page.
% (should set to "Doctor of Philosophy")
\newcommand{\@degreeName}{\tt$\backslash$\string degreeName}
% Redefine maketitle
\newlength{\fiveblanklines}\setlength{\fiveblanklines}{0.7 in}
\newlength{\tenblanklines}\setlength{\tenblanklines}{1.5 in}
\enlargethispage{0.5in} %make extra room where page number would go
  \@title\\ \ \\
by\\ \ \\
A Practicum Presented in Partial Fulfillment\\
of the Requirement for the Degree\\
Approved \@defensemonth\ \@gradyear\ by the\\
Graduate Supervisory Committee:\\
\ \\
\@gradmonth\ \@gradyear

% redefine abstract environment
} {

% make acknowledgements environment
} {

% define \acknowledgementpage
{\itshape #1}

% define \dedicationpage
%\centerline{\itshape #1}\clearpage
{\itshape #1}

% define \blankpage
} {

% define Preface Page
{\itshape #1}

% Define Symbols Page
{\itshape #1}

% Define Biographical Page
{\itshape #1}

% Fix the table of contents
% Get leader dots right.  They should all be spaced the same and need to be
% added for chapters and parts.
% Fonts for the chapter titles and part titles.
% Indentations: These are in accordance with the chart at the top of page 4 of
% the document
% ftp://tug.ctan.org/pub/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/tocloft/tocloft.pdf
% I simply moved each of the following sections "up" one level to get the
% indentations right.
% Spacing between entries is taken care of by the double-spacing in this 
% section, so no need for extra space before chapter or part entries.
% Get the title for the TOC normal sized, centered, and at the right height.
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{TABLE OF CONTENTS}
% Get rid of the header underline.
% Get the header on subsequent pages right.


%\renewcommand{\listsymbolname}{LIST OF SYMBOLS}
% Get the title for the LOT normal sized, centered, and at the right height.
\renewcommand{\listtablename}{LIST OF TABLES}
% Get the title for the LOF normal sized, centered, and at the right height.
\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{LIST OF FIGURES}
% Get the title for the LOS normal sized, centered, and at the right height.
\renewcommand{\listsymbolname}{LIST OF SYMBOLS}
% Here is a hack.  The report class automatically adds a bit of extra vertical
% space between table and figure entries in the LOT and LOF if they are from 
% different chapters.  I have simply commmented out the lines in the definition
% of \@chapter which do this.  As far as I can tell, the tocloft package doesn't
% have a command for this so a hack is necessary.
\def\@chapter[#1]#2{\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne

%These two lines below are commented out.


% Change some of the rules for float placement.
\setcounter{topnumber}{2}          %Maximum 2 floats on top
\setcounter{bottomnumber}{1}       %Maximum 1 float on bottom
%\renewcommand{\topfraction}{0.7}    %Top float max size is 70%
%\renewcommand{\bottomfraction}{0.7} %Bottom float max size is 70%
\renewcommand{\topfraction}{0.9}    %Top float max size is 70%
\renewcommand{\bottomfraction}{0.8} %Bottom float max size is 70%

% Fix chapter and section formats
% Chapters names are all caps, centered under "Chapter N"
\chaptername\ \thechapter\vspace{\baselineskip}\\
% Numbers chapters, sections, and subsections
% Center section titles
\renewcommand{\section}{\@startsection{section}{1}{0 in}{1em}{1em}{\centering}}
% Center and italicize subsection titles
\renewcommand{\subsection}{\@startsection{subsection}{2}{0 in}{1em}{1em}

% This is a bit of a hack.  I couldn't figure out a better way, but surely there
% is one.  What I want is for the title page of the appendix to appear with
% just one double space between the words "Appendix A" and the title.  So, here,
% I redefine the command with our \singlespace command, and then inside the 
% actual appendix, I use \doublespace.  This gets the spacing of the appendix
% title page right.


% I added this line.


% Fix bibliography header.

% Modify figure captions so that they print singlespace.
\renewcommand{\@makecaption}[2]{% #1 is e.g. Figure 1, #2 is captiontext
{\textbf{#1:} #2\par}

If anyone have sharelatex login, please login and have a look on https://www.sharelatex.com/3268622724cjgmgfxkmtyw

Best Answer

It states at the top of the page that this is a style file (ending with .sty), while your error message indicates that you are trying to compile it as a TEX source file (ending with .tex), which is not possible.

To use the style-file include it in your TEX-file by adding the following line to your preamble: \usepackage{mystyle}. (This is assuming the style file is located in the same directory as your document.)

Thus your tex-file should look something like this:

Hello world!