Tikz – How to Create a Double Edged Rectangle for Subroutine Blocks


I am trying to define a TikZ node style that comprises three rectangles one after another, as if by the following code:

        minimum width=3cm,
        minimum height=1.2cm,
        outer sep=0] (subr) at (0,0) {Subroutine};
  \draw (subr.north west) -- ++(-0.3,0) |- (subr.south west);
  \draw (subr.north east) -- ++(0.3,0) |- (subr.south east);

I want to capture all of the above into a single node style like below:

\tikzstyle{subroutine} = {
    thick, etc...

so I can simply use it as follows:

    \node[subroutine] at (0,0) {Subroutine};

Is there any way to do this?
enter image description here

(The grey border is from my document viewer, it is not a part of the actual tikz drawing)

Best Answer

The TikZ's library shapes.multipart does that kind of things.

enter image description here

        rectangle split, rectangle split horizontal,
        rectangle split parts=3, 
        draw, minimum width=3cm,
        minimum height=1.2cm,
        outer sep=0}}   
(0,0) node[subroutine] {\nodepart{two}subroutine\nodepart{three}}
(0,-1.5) node[subroutine,fill=yellow] {\nodepart{two}routine\nodepart{three}}

For more details, see Section 71.6. Shapes with Multiple Text Parts in the pgfmanual.

enter image description here