[Tex/LaTex] xwatermark: watermark skipping pages


I'm creating a draft document template (article). I need the draft watermark on every page except the titlepage, but it's skipping the List of Figures. The problem seems to be coming from the second setcounter, where the number restart in Arabic, because removing that makes the draft show up on the List of Figures. How do I fix it?

\usepackage{lipsum}%used to generate false content

\newwatermark[allpages,color=gray!25,angle=45,scale=5,xpos=0,ypos=0]{DRAFT}%determines watermark characteristics


%starts page numbers at i




%starts page numbers at 1

\section{Demo Section}
\subsection{Demo Subsection}
\subsubsection{Demo Subsubsection}
%includes figure in list of figures
\caption{Demo Graphic}


I've searched through the xwatermark guide, stackexchange, etc, but I can't find anything about the two conflicting.

Best Answer

This is to show you another option with powerful background package. Just adding \usepackage{background} will add the the Draft text.

\usepackage{lipsum}%used to generate false content


%starts page numbers at i




%starts page numbers at 1

\section{Demo Section}
\subsection{Demo Subsection}
\subsubsection{Demo Subsubsection}
%includes figure in list of figures
\caption{Demo Graphic}


enter image description here

You can customize the background contents with \backgroundsetup

contents= {Draft}

enter image description here

contents= can be anything like a tikzpicture or any picture/text.

If you don't want the background for just one page like title page, use \NoBgThispage in that page.

This is the title page