[Tex/LaTex] Watermark on selected pages or xwatermark and scrlayer-scrpage


maybe it is a duplicated question, but I want to put a watermark on pages I define at the beginning of the document. So far, the only package providing this is xwatermark. But I use scrlayer-scrpage and they do not work together. Is there a workaround or any other packages that provide this functionality?

%\usepackage{scrlayer-scrpage}  % uncomment and compilation fails
\newwatermark[pagex={1,2,4,6},angle=45,scale=3]{Only selected Pages}

Best Answer

Package xwatermark loads package fancyhdr which can't be used together with package scrlayer-scrpage.

With package scrlayer-scrpage you could define an additional layer for the watermark and add this to every layer pagestyle including page style empty.



\clist_const:Nn \l_my_watermarkpages {1,2,4,8}% list with the selected page numbers
    {\scalebox{3.1}% scaling
      {\rotatebox[origin=bc]{45}% rotating
        {\Huge\bfseries\textcolor{lightgray}% font settings
          {\clist_if_in:NVTF \l_my_watermarkpages {#1}
\newcommand\watermarktext{Only selected Pages}


\usepackage{blindtext}% only for dummy text


enter image description here

If you don't remove package xwatermark from your code then you have to use package fancyhdr for your header and footer.


\newwatermark[pagex={1,2,4,6},angle=45,scale=3]{Only selected Pages}

\usepackage{blindtext}% only for dummy text


enter image description here

Note that this breaks several KOMA-Script features: options headsepline and footsepline, \addtokomafont and setkomafont for elements pageheadfoot and pagenumber etc.