[Tex/LaTex] Write text in TikZ Drawing

text manipulationtikz-pgf

I need a small text under node 4, 0 and 3. Does anybody know how to do that? This is what I have


\begin{scope}[every node/.style={circle,thick,draw}]  
    \node (0) at (0,0) {0};  
    \node (1) at (1,1) {1};  
    \node (2) at (1,-1) {2};  
    \node (3) at (2,0) {3};  
    \node (4) at (-2,0) {4};  

              every node/.style={fill=white,circle},
              every edge/.style={draw=red,very thick}]  
    \path [->] (0) edge (4);  
    \path [->] (0) edge (1);  
    \path [->] (1) edge (2);  
    \path [->] (0) edge (2);  
    \path [->] (1) edge (3);  
    \path [->] (2) edge (3);  

Best Answer

\documentclass[tikz, margin=3mm]{standalone}

         C/.style = {circle,thick,draw, inner sep=2pt},
every edge/.style = {draw=red,very thick,-{Stealth[black]}},
\node[C,label=below:text]   (0) at (0, 0) {0};
\node[C]                    (1) at (1, 1) {1};
\node[C]                    (2) at (1,-1) {2};
\node[C,label=below:text]   (3) at (2, 0) {3};
\node[C,label=below:text]   (4) at (-2,0) {4};
\draw[->]   (0) edge (4) 
            (0) edge (1)
            (1) edge (2) 
            (0) edge (2) 
            (1) edge (3)
            (2) edge (3);

In using labels you need to consider, that labels are actually nodes, therefore defined style for main nodes with every node/.style affected labels to. Above code gives:

enter image description here