[Tex/LaTex] Write easily a TIKZ flowchart


I created a npm package to write easily a TIKZ flowchart. Flowtex facilitates maintenance of a flowchart. Such as the insertion of new nodes or the positioning of the nodes as a function of others.
I hope it will be as useful to you as for me.


Using flowtex.sty on github based on Creating Flowcharts with TikZ

tutorial & doc


Flowtex Code

    P('k <- 0').belowGoto(
      loop = IO('Loop ?').belowGoto(
        D('Yes or No ?').offsetY(-1) // use offsetY with D
         .rightGoto(kp1 = P('k <- k + 1')).topLabel('yes')
         .belowGoto( // use offsetY for this node because is immediatly below of D
          P('Print k').offsetY(-1).belowGoto(
    ).leftLabel('Start loop')

LaTeX code using TIKZ

  \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2cm]
    \node (node0) [startstop] {Start};
    \node (node1) [process, below of=node0] {k $\leftarrow$ 0};
    \node (node2) [io, below of=node1] {Loop ?};
    \node (node3) [decision, below of=node2, yshift=-1cm] {Yes or No ?};
    \node (node4) [process, right of=node3, xshift=3cm] {k $\leftarrow$ k + 1};
    \node (node5) [process, below of=node3, yshift=-1cm] {Print k};
    \node (node6) [process, below of=node5] {Stop};
    \draw [arrow] (node3) --node[anchor=south] {yes} (node4);
    \draw [arrow] (node3) --node[anchor=east] {no} (node5);
    \draw [arrow] (node5) --node[anchor=east] {exit} (node6);
    \draw [arrow] (node2) --node[anchor=east] {Looping} (node3);
    \draw [arrow] (node1) --node[anchor=east] {Start loop} (node2);
    \draw [arrow] (node0) --node[anchor=east] {Init} (node1);
    \draw [arrow] (node4) |- (node2);

Currently I use \input to insert the generated LaTeX code.
But, I would like create a LaTeX command like this:

Here, the Flowtex code.

Would you know how to do?

Best Answer

An alternative to the @A.Ellet answer (both consider the first version of your question):

                calc, chains,

    node distance = 8mm and 16mm,
      start chain = A going below,
      base/.style = {draw, minimum width=32mm, minimum height=8mm,
                     align=center, on chain=A},
 startstop/.style = {base, rounded corners, fill=red!30},
   process/.style = {base, fill=orange!30},
        io/.style = {base, trapezium, 
                     trapezium left angle=70, trapezium right angle=110,
  decision/.style = {base, diamond, fill=green!30},
  every edge quotes/.style = {auto=right}]
\node [startstop]       {Start};            % <-- A-1
\node [process]         {k $\gets$ 0};
\node [io]              {Loop ?};
\node [decision]        {Yes or No ?};
\node [process]         {Print k};
\node [process]         {Stop};             % <-- A-6
\node [process,                             % <-- A-7
       right=of A-4]    {k $\gets$ k + 1};
\draw [arrows=-Stealth] 
    (A-1) edge["init"]          (A-2)
    (A-2) edge["start stop"]    (A-3)
    (A-3) edge["looping"]       (A-4)
    (A-4) edge["no"]            (A-5)
    (A-5) edge["exit"]          (A-6)
    (A-4) edge["yes"']          (A-7)       % <-- by ' is swapped label position
    (A-7) |- ($(A-2.south east)!0.5!(A-3.north east)$)
          -| ([xshift=7mm] A-3.north);

From comparison of both solution you can observe the following main differences:

  • nodes in main branch are set as chain (this significantly simplify code)
  • for node names are used names which is defined by chain
  • for nodes' common parameters is defined new style named base
  • for drawing edges between nodes are used quotes package by which syntax for writing edges labels significantly shorter needed code.

The compilation of above MWE (Minimal Working Example) produce similar picture as is shown in @A.Ellett answer with important differences: the feedback edge is drawn more correct (according to my opinion).

enter image description here