Tables – Why Isn’t My Table Centering with Threeparttable

horizontal alignmenttablesthreeparttable

Can anyone help me to solve my problem with threeparttable, TPTMinimum redefinition and centering environment? I haven't seen in any other topic what I was trying to do.

I have something like this:


{\scriptsize \textbf{Parameter}} & {\scriptsize \textbf{Value}}    & {\scriptsize \textbf{Unity}}   & {\scriptsize \textbf{Reference/Comment}}\\\hline
$\scriptstyle \tau_1$            & $\scriptstyle 10^{-2}$          & $\scriptstyle\text{dia}^{-1}$  & {\scriptsize \citet{Spratt}}\\\hline
$\scriptstyle \tau_2$            & $\scriptstyle 10^{-3}$          & $\scriptstyle\text{dia}^{-1}$  & $\scriptstyle \tau_2 \; < \; \tau_1$\\\hline
%some more lines...
$\scriptstyle \lambda$           & $\scriptstyle 4.16$             & $\scriptstyle\text{dia}^{-1}$  & {\scriptsize \citet{REF2}\tnote{2}}\\\hline
$\scriptstyle a$                 & $\scriptstyle 2 \times 10^{3}$  & {\scriptsize mg}               & {\scriptsize \citet{REF1}\tnote{1}}\\\hline
$\scriptstyle b$                 & $\scriptstyle 5 \times 10^{6}$  & {\scriptsize mg}               & {\scriptsize \citet{REF1}\tnote{1}}\\
\item[1] I want it that way because my table isn't so big and the footnotes are getting weird the original way...
\item[2] \,Second Note!

How does it look like:

How could I centralize this table? Thanks!

Best Answer

Set the tabular inside a \makebox[\linewidth] box, similar to the suggestion in Centre an image, ignoring margins:

\newcommand{\citet}[1]{#1}% Just for this example
      \textbf{Parameter} & \textbf{Value}    & \textbf{Unity} & \textbf{Reference/Comment} \\
      $\tau_1$            & $10^{-2}$          & $\text{dia}^{-1}$  & \citet{Spratt} \\
      $\tau_2$            & $10^{-3}$          & $\text{dia}^{-1}$  & $\tau_2 \; < \; \tau_1$ \\
      %some more lines...
      $\lambda$           & $4.16$             & $\text{dia}^{-1}$  & \citet{REF2}\tnote{2} \\
      $a$                 & $2 \times 10^{3}$  & mg               & \citet{REF1}\tnote{1} \\
      $b$                 & $5 \times 10^{6}$  & mg               & \citet{REF1}\tnote{1} \\
      \item[1] I want it that way because my table isn't so big and the footnotes are getting weird the original way...
      \item[2] \,Second Note!

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