[Tex/LaTex] Table notes in threeparttable misaligned


Very new to this. Have written something like this:


..... table contents....

\item table comment 1
\item table comment 2
\item blah blah comment 3

I wanted the notes to be flush left against the left edge of table, which it has done, but it is misagligned – there is a space before the first character of the first line of each note, the second line is aligned further left.

So looks like this:

    table comment 1..........

 table 1 comment continued (spans two lines)

    table comment 2

I want the notes to line up left in a straight line.

Also, anyway to put a small space between the notes? Thanks for any help!

Best Answer

\item[<marker>] without the optional marker argument uses an empty marker as default. The marker is put into \tnote, more or less a wrapper for \textsuperscript (an empty superscript in math mode). Then \item appends the space \labelsep.

In short we have: $^{}$\kern\labelsep

The first adds space \scriptspace (see "The TeXbook", "Appendix G. Generating Boxes from formulas", rule 18c). The amount is 0.5 pt. \labelsep is 0.2em or about 2 pt. Thus the overall space is about 2.5 pt.

The space can therefore be removed by:


The following example also adds some vertical space between the notes, by patching \TPTdoTablenotes:


}{}{\errmessage{Patching \noexpand\TPTdoTablenotes failed}}

\item[a] table comment~1
\item[b] table comment~2
\item \leavevmode\kern-\scriptspace\kern-\labelsep table comment~3
