[Tex/LaTex] Positioning of the Table Notes of a threeparttable

horizontal alignmentthreeparttable

How to position (center) the 'tablenotes' of a threeparttable? Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

I have done all the necessary code, but i need few help in the formatting process. The table is to be included to an Elsevier single column manuscript. It's look weird in the current formatting. Please help.

For making the task clear, i am writing the code. The table consisting * marks shown as superscript inside the table and defined using the table notes. Please find the code.


\caption{Identified search terms for the above defined Research Questions.}


RQ.~\# & Identified Terms\\\ 

RQ.~1  & SOA\textsuperscript{*}, cost estimation\textsuperscript{*}, effort estimation\textsuperscript{*} \\\
RQ.~2  & approach\textsuperscript{*}, technique\textsuperscript{*}, SOA cost, SOA scope \\\
RQ.~3  & classification\textsuperscript{*}, ranking, type \\\ 
RQ.~4  & validation, evaluation, empirical study\textsuperscript{*} \\\
RQ.~5  & future work\textsuperscript{*}, improvement \\\

\item [*] Note: These search terms are having synonyms or alternate spellings or abbreviations.




Best Answer

(Too long for a comment, will delete if this doesn't solve the problem.)

In the below code you'll find two versions of the table, one where it fits into a single column, one where it's wider. The table doesn't extend to the width of the page. But then, if you're submitting this to Elsevier they'll likely re-typeset everything anyway.

The lipsum package and \lipsum commands is only there to create dummy text, don't include them in your own document.

enter image description here


\lipsum[1] %dummy text
\caption{Identified search terms for the above defined Research Questions.}
\begin{tabular}{l >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{0.75\columnwidth}}
RQ.~\# & Identified Terms\\ 
RQ.~1  & SOA\textsuperscript{*}, cost estimation\textsuperscript{*}, effort estimation\textsuperscript{*} \\
RQ.~2  & approach\textsuperscript{*}, technique\textsuperscript{*}, SOA cost, SOA scope \\
RQ.~3  & classification\textsuperscript{*}, ranking, type \\ 
RQ.~4  & validation, evaluation, empirical study\textsuperscript{*} \\
RQ.~5  & future work\textsuperscript{*}, improvement \\
\item [*] Note: These search terms are having synonyms or alternate spellings or abbreviations.


\caption{Identified search terms for the above defined Research Questions.}



\begin{tabular}{l l}
RQ.~\# & Identified Terms\\ 
RQ.~1  & SOA\textsuperscript{*}, cost estimation\textsuperscript{*}, effort estimation\textsuperscript{*} \\
RQ.~2  & approach\textsuperscript{*}, technique\textsuperscript{*}, SOA cost, SOA scope \\
RQ.~3  & classification\textsuperscript{*}, ranking, type \\ 
RQ.~4  & validation, evaluation, empirical study\textsuperscript{*} \\
RQ.~5  & future work\textsuperscript{*}, improvement \\
\item [*] Note: These search terms are having synonyms or alternate spellings or abbreviations.

