[Tex/LaTex] vertical alignment of text in tikz node

tikz-pgfvertical alignment

The output from the following script

  \node(title)[text width = 0.25\textwidth, text height = 3 cm, draw]{title};


enter image description here

How can I vertically align the text in the node?

Specifying the text depth as in

\node(title)[text width = 0.25\textwidth, text height = 1cm, text depth = 1 cm, draw]{
    title line 1\\
    title line 2\\
    title line 3};

Does not result in the text being vertically centred.

enter image description here

Best Answer

text height and text depth specify the vertical dimensions of the text you give explicitly. As a result TikZ thinks the node's text has exactly that height and draws its box like that.

You can use minimum height to set a minimum vertical size of the node, and minimum width for the width (while text width inserts line wrapping at the specified width minimum width does not). The result will be a box in which your text is centred, but the box must have at least those dimensions. Note that minimum height is both height and depth around your text (evenly). If you want line wrapping text which is horizontally centred you can use text width and text centered.

Compare the following:

\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2cm]
  \node(1)[text centered,text width = 0.25\textwidth, minimum height = 3 cm, draw]
    {title is very long and long};
  \node(2)[minimum width = 0.25\textwidth, minimum height = 3 cm,
    draw,below of=1,anchor=north]{title is very long and long};
  \node(3)[text centered,text width = 0.25\textwidth, text height = 3 cm,
    draw,below of=2,anchor=north]{title is very long and long};
  \node(4)[text centered,text width = 0.25\textwidth, text depth = 3 cm,
    draw,below of=3,anchor=north]{title is very long and long};
  \node(5)[text centered,text width = 0.25\textwidth, text depth = 1.5 cm, text
    height = 1.5cm, draw,below of=4,anchor=north]{title is very long and long};

enter image description here