[Tex/LaTex] Using foreach loop variable as node label in pgfplots


I have a (multi)line plot generated from a table in pgfplots:

  \foreach \metavar in {foo,bar} {
    \addplot table[x index=1,y=\metavar] from \loadedtable node {\metavar};

This works well except for the node I want to place at the end of each line as a kind of inline legend.

Here, LaTeX complains:

! Argument of \T1\metavar has an extra }.
<inserted text> 

If I substitute the \metavar node label with some literal text, everything compiles fine, but this of course misses the point of the \foreach. So how do I access a loop variable in a place like this?

Best Answer

In this case, you'll have to use the \pgfplotsforeachungrouped, which makes sure that the loop is not executed inside its own group.

\pgfplotstableread[row sep=crcr]{
X foo bar\\
1 10 20\\
2 10 30\\
3 20 40\\
  \pgfplotsinvokeforeach {foo,bar} {
    \addplot table [x index=0,y=#1] \loadedtable node [anchor=south] {#1};