[Tex/LaTex] Transmission lines with circuitikz


It is more convenient to draw transmission lines with colored rectangles (strips) like in the circuit below

enter image description here

rather than using standard circuitikz symbol
enter image description here.

My knowledge of TeX is poor to do this, but can you provide solution in which one can control length of rectangle symbol for transmission line or grey rectangle behaves similar to resistor with its ports?

Best Answer

A trivial option ;), to draw the lines of transmission is using the library decorations.markings, in the case of my example declaring 3 marks, one that declares the start coordinate, one containing the label and the one with the final coordinate and draws a rectangle that is drawn as shown in the example, the following is code in circuitikz leaving spaces to then draw each line of transmission since for my solution I can not integrate it with the circuit syntax of the package.

RESULT: enter image description here



        %Environment Config
        line width=0.75,
        %Style Variable
        text pos/.store in=\tpos,text pos=0.5,
        text anchor/.store in=\tanchor,text anchor={north:12pt},
        Tline/.style={%Style for the voltage reference
            postaction={decorate,decoration={markings,mark=at position 10pt with {\coordinate (a) at (90:3.5pt);}}},
            postaction={decorate,decoration={markings,mark=at position \tpos with {\node at (\tanchor){\small #1};}}},
            postaction={decorate,decoration={markings,mark=at position \pgfdecoratedpathlength-10pt with {\coordinate (b) at (-90:3.5pt);\draw[fill=black!40](a) rectangle (b);}}}
    %Size adjust
    \ctikzset{nodes width/.initial=0.1}
    %Draw circuit
    (0,0) node[nigfetd,scale=1.7](N1){} % Discrete component node at 0,0 named N1
    (N1)++(-6pt,0) %Draw a circle decoration 
        circle (23pt)
    (N1.E)%From emiter relativa coordinate to node ground.
        -- ++(0,-1) coordinate (gnd-0) node[Myground]{} 
    (N1.G)%From gate
        to[short,-*]++(-0.5,0) coordinate (divG) % Division in gate
        to[R,l=$R_1$,-*]++(0,2) coordinate (divGR) % Division in gate resistance.
        to[C]++(1.2,0) node[rotate=90,Myground]{}
    (divGR)%From divGr
        to[short]++(0,0.5) node[ocirc,scale=1.5,label=90:$V_g$]{}
    (divG)++(-2,0) coordinate (divG-1)%Declare a point shifted ++(-2,0) to draw the Transmission line.
    (divG-1)%Continue drawing from divG-1
        to[C,l=$C_2$,*-] (divG-1 |- gnd-0) node[Myground]{}
        to[C,l_=$C_1$] ++ (-1.5,0)
        to[short] ++ (0,-2.5) coordinate(divG-2)
    (N1.D)++(1,0) coordinate (temp)
        -| (temp |- divG)
        to[short,-*]++(1,0) coordinate (divD)
    (divD)++(0,2) coordinate (divD-1)
        to[C,*-]++(1.2,0) node[rotate=90,Myground]{}
        to[short]++(0,0.5) node[ocirc,scale=1.5,label=90:$V_{dd}$]{}
    (divD)++(2,0) coordinate (divD-2)
    (divD-2)++(2,0) coordinate (divD-3)
        to[C,l_={\raisebox{-10pt}{$C_3$\hspace{-5pt}}},*-] (divD-3 |- gnd-0) node[Myground]{}
        to[C,l_=$C_4$] ++ (1,0) coordinate(divD-4)
    (divD-4)++(2,0) coordinate (divD-5)
        to[short]++(0.5,0) node[ocirc,scale=1.5,label=0:$P_{out}$]{}
    (divD-5)++(0,-0.5) coordinate (divD-6)
        to[R,l=$50\si{\ohm}$] ++ (0,-2) node[Myground]{}
    (divG-2 -| divD-4)
        to[short] (divD-4 |- divD-6);

    \fill (N1)++(0,-7.6pt) circle (2pt);

    \draw[Tline=$Z_0$,text anchor=-90:12pt](divG) -- (divG-1);
    \draw[Tline=${Z_{03}=50\si{\ohm}, \theta_3}$,text pos=0.25](divG-2) -- (divG-2 -| divD-4);
    \draw[Tline,text anchor=-90:12pt](divD-4 |- divD-6) -- (divD-6);
    \draw[Tline=$\lambda/4$,text anchor=-90:15pt](divD) -- (divD-1);
    \draw[Tline=${Z_0, \theta_1}$,text anchor=-90:15pt](divD) -- (divD-2);
    \draw[Tline=${Z_0, \theta_2}$,text anchor=-90:20pt](divD-2) -- ++(0,2);
    \draw[Tline=${Z_0}$,text anchor=-90:15pt](divD-2) -- (divD-3);
    \draw[Tline=$\lambda/4$](divD-4) -- (divD-5);