Circuitikz doesn’t draw transmission line with overlay option


Consider the following MWE.




  \draw (0,0) to [TL] (2,0);

\begin{circuitikz} [overlay]
  \draw (0,0) to [TL] (2,0);


MWE output

For some reason the transmission line symbol is not drawn when using the overlay option.

Why is that and how can I get around it?

Best Answer


should be fixed starting from 1.4.6, see


(but it breaks fill opacity, mind you; proper fix in the update above)

Puzzling. In the drawing of the TL legacy shape there is a transparency group (I do not remember why) that seems to confuse or badly interact with overlay. Removing it fixes the issue at hand, but I have to study it a bit more.


    \pgf@circ@res@step=.2\pgf@circ@res@right % half x axis
    % \begin{pgftransparencygroup}
        \pgfpatharc{-90}{90}{-\pgf@circ@res@step and -\pgf@circ@res@up}
    % \end{pgftransparencygroup}


  \draw (0,0) to [TL] (2,0) to[R] (4,0) to[generic] (6,0);

\begin{circuitikz} [overlay]
  \draw (0,0) to [TL] (2,0) to[R] (4,0) to[generic] (6,0);


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