[Tex/LaTex] Draw transmission line circuits


This is an example of a transmission line circuit:

(Another one is available here). Transmission lines are conventionally drawn with two horizontal, parallel cylinders, with variable, adaptable length. I didn't find anything similar in circuitikz. In the manual (page 8), a single transmission line stub is provided, but it is a small, single cylinder with fixed length.

How to draw the above example circuit with circuitikz or tikz?

Best Answer

How about this? I edited the original version of the tline drawer to make the cylinder have length determined by the length of the line segment.


    %% First find distance from startpoint to endpoint
    %% The coordinate system has been changed so that the origin is at the midpoint and
    %% the line is along the x axis. So shift back by half the length of the line, and 
    %% make the cylinder of width roughly the length of the line, with a 40pt setback
    %% on each side.
    \pgf@circ@res@left=\dimexpr-\pgfmathresult pt+40pt\relax
    %% Here is the original function, copied directly from the source of circuittikz, 
    %% down to next %%
    \pgf@circ@res@step=.2\pgf@circ@res@right % half x axis
    \pgfpatharc{-90}{90}{-\pgf@circ@res@step and -\pgf@circ@res@up}
    %% I have to fill the figure to block out the original line
    %% Redraw part of the line that gets blocked by the cylinder by mistake
\draw (0,0) to[TL] (10,0) to[TL] (14,4);