Titles – Solving Title Too Long Issue When Using amsart Document Class in LaTeX


I am going to submit an artcile to a conference, and it requires the authours to use amsart document class. When I use this class, on the top of each page, it shows the title or authros name(and Institut). My article has a long title, but it is fine in the first page. But from 2nd page to the end, the title shown on the top is too long to fit in a page width.
I am not going to drop these titles, since it requires the authous not to change the style. But if I can use a shorter title to be shown on the top of each page, but keep the original title to be shown on the first page, it would be good. Someone had the same problem before? And how you deal with it?

Best Answer

The amsart class provides an optional argument to \title:

\title[Short title]{Possibly very long title}