[Tex/LaTex] Subtitle command for amsart document class (not using \\)


I have a research report I have to write in LaTeX for uni, and because you obviously can't really have a word limit with LaTeX, we have a page limit and have been given a strict template we have to use. Therefore I am not allowed to change the document class (or the margin width, font size etc…).

Ideally, I really want a subtitle, but the amsart document class – which is the one we must use – does not have one. Although the \\ command within \title{} gives the desired effect on the title page of my report, the amsart document class also reprints the title of your report in the top margin of every odd page (as well as the author in the top margin of every even page), and unfortunately it does not seem to 'read' the \\ command in this case and the title runs off the page.

I would like to have it so that only the title is reprinted in the top margins, and so that the subtitle only appears on the title page i.e. basically I just need some form of \subtitle command without changing the document class.

Is this possible? Thanks.

Edit: I've tried to add a screenshot of what I'm talking about:


Best Answer

Define a command that temporarily prints its argument (for \maketitle) and then redefine it gobble it.

\usepackage{kantlipsum} % for mock text



\title{A big title\subtitle{with a subtitle}}




Page 1

enter image description here

Page 3

enter image description here

Alternatively, use the optional argument:

\usepackage{kantlipsum} % for mock text


\title[A big title]{A big title\\with a subtitle}




The output is the same.

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