[Tex/LaTex] alternative to \paragraph in amsart


I have a mathematical proof which is long so I have split it up into different sections using \paragraph (eg. \paragraph{The first step}…)

In article mode, the text in the paragraph command is bolded and it stands out. In amsart, it does not and is useless. Can someone recommend me something standard I can use instead? I know I could manually bold the text but I'd rather do something standard.

I don't want to use a description environment because it indents everything and my equations break badly. Thank you.

Here is my code:

\documentclass[10pt,a4paper, reqno, draft]{amsart}
\usepackage{amsmath, color, natbib}
\usepackage{amsfonts, mathtools}
%\usepackage[amsmath, amsthm, hyperref]{ntheorem}

\begin{theorem}We have $a=b$.
\begin{proof}The proof is split into two.
\paragraph{First step}Blah blah blah.
\paragraph{Second step}Blah blah blah


Best Answer

amsart.cls has


so if you put


in your preamble, it will use bold for paragraph heads.

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