TikZ-PGF TikZ Styles – TikZpicture in Node of Another TikZpicture: How to Screen Off from Inheriting Style


I wish to create tikzpicture environments inside a node of another tikzpicture.
The problem I encouter is that styles are inherited by the inner tikzpicture.
How can I screen of the inner tikzpicture form the outer one? Or is this impossible?

The following minimal example illustrates the problem:


% wanted: square centered on line
  \draw (0,0) -- (0,1);
  \node[fill] at (0,.5) {};

% got: square to the right of line
  \node[fill] (O) {};
  \node[right=of O] {% <- this 'right of' is inherited; how to avoid?
    \draw (0,0) -- (0,1);
    \node[fill] at (0,.5) {};


Best Answer

In this specific case you can use anchor=center to restore the default positioning. The right etc. settings modify the used anchor.


% wanted: square centered on line
  \draw (0,0) -- (0,1);
  \node[fill] at (0,.5) {};

% got: square to the right of line
  \node[fill] (O) {};
  \node[right=of O] {% <- this 'right of' is inherited; how to avoid?
    \draw (0,0) -- (0,1);
    \node[fill] at (0,.5) {};


In the general case if you want to avoid any settings to affect the sub-tikzpicture I would store it into a savebox before the main tikzpicture and insert that box:


% wanted: square centered on line
  \draw (0,0) -- (0,1);
  \node[fill] at (0,.5) {};


    \draw (0,0) -- (0,1);
    \node[fill] at (0,.5) {};

% got: square to the right of line
  \node[fill] (O) {};
  \node[right=of O] {% <- this 'right of' is inherited; how to avoid?
