TikZ Positioning – Using ‘pos = x’ in a Node


Why doesn't the pos = x option work when the node is used in the plot command?

  \draw plot[domain = 0:2, samples = 100] ({\x}, {(\x)^2}) node[pos = 1.1] 
  {\(y = x^2\)};

In this picture, f_{quad} is my node that should be at pos = 1.1.

enter image description here

Additionally, it doesn't matter what I make pos equal to. It is always at the origin.

Best Answer

My feeling is that the plot operation is special and the way in which TikZ process it differs with respect to how canonical paths are processed. Quoting the manual:

The plot path operation can be used to append a line or curve to the path that goes through a large number of coordinates.

This suggests that the whole plot is appended to the path and thus that could be a possible reason why nodes can be appended only at the beginning or at the end of a plot path.

However, it is always possible to exploit the decorations.markings library as a workaround.

An example:


\tikzset{insert node/.style args={#1 at #2}{
      mark= at position #2
  \draw[insert node={\node[red,left]{\(y = x^2\)};} at 0.65,
  insert node={\node[blue,draw,right]{\(y = x^2\)};} at 0.45,
  insert node={\node[green!80!black,above]{\(y = x^2\)};} at 1,
  ] plot[domain = 0:2, samples = 100] ({\x}, {(\x)^2});

The result:

enter image description here