[Tex/LaTex] TikZ: Use –cycle in circuits


Why does the --cycle command doesn’t work in a circuit drawn with the TikZ library circuits.ee.IEC? The problem with manually draw the last connection is that the ends are not joined.

I made the lines very thick to demonstrate the problem of not joining …

Is it possible to fix this or at least join the path manually?




\begin{tikzpicture}[circuit ee IEC, line width=5pt]
\draw (0,0) -- ++(0,2) node [above] {without objects}%
    -- ++(4,0) -- ++(0,-2)%
    --cycle node [below] {works};

\draw (0,-4.5) to[voltage source] ++(0,2) node [above] {with -\/-cycle}%
    -- ++(4,0) to[resistor] ++(0,-2)%
    --cycle node [below] {no connection};

\draw (0,-9) to[voltage source] ++(0,2) node [above] {manually}%
    -- ++(4,0) to[resistor] ++(0,-2)%
    -- ++(-4,0) node [below] {not joined};

Best Answer

The manual on the --cycle operation:

This operation adds a straight line from the current point to the last point specified by a move-to operation. Note that this need not be the beginning of the path. Furthermore, a smooth join is created.

So apparently there is a move-to operation when the voltage source and resistor are added (which makes perfect sense) therefore the cycle is actually made, only it just draws a line back to the end of the resistor in this case over the line that's already there.

I can't think of any way to fix this behaviour, a move has to be made in the pgf path in order to 'skip' the symbol for the resistor (and voltage source). We can perform a little trick to get a proper join when adding the line manually though. Basically what we do is just draw a short line up over the one already there, this will create a smooth join on top of what's already there.



\begin{tikzpicture}[circuit ee IEC, line width=5pt]
\draw (0,0) -- ++(0,2) node [above] {without objects}%
    -- ++(4,0) -- ++(0,-2)%
    --cycle node [below] {works};

\draw (0,-4.5) to[voltage source] ++(0,2) node [above] {with -\/-cycle}%
    -- ++(4,0) to[resistor] ++(0,-2)%
    --cycle node [below] {no connection};

\draw (0,-9) to[voltage source] ++(0,2) node [above] {manually}%
    -- ++(4,0) to[resistor] ++(0,-2)%
    -- ++(-4,0) node [below] {now joined} -- ++(0,0.1);

And the resulting document:

Joined lines in circuit