[Tex/LaTex] Tikz: purely vertical arrow from nodeA.south to nodeB.north


I have the following tikz code

% compilation command: pdflatex --jobname=Diag-f1 Diag.tex
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=3em]
\node(G)[rectangle,fill=red!5,draw=red,text width=5cm]{};
\node(H)[below of=G]{H};
\node(H1)[left of=H]{H1};
\node(H2)[right of=H]{H2};

enter image description here

but I am not happy with the two arrows going from G.south to H1.north and H2.north. Because of the -| command, there is a spurious horizontal line. How can I achieve the same result without this annoying horizontal line? \draw[->](G.south)--(H1.north); is not a solution. There are available tricks but I may have missed an obvious solution here.

Best Answer

The line is normal: -| means: draw an horizontal line, then a vertical.

You could use this:

\draw[->] (G.south -| H1.north) -- (H1.north)

That will compute the intersection between a vertical line through H1.north and a horizontal one through G.south, and then draw a line from it to H1.north