[Tex/LaTex] TikZ node text margins


I have nodes with text inside, however the nodes are too large for the text, with large margins.

I want to keep the text size the same, but make the box tighter. I've tried varying text height and width, as well as inner seps, however these only move the text around.

The code below produces the following output:

\documentclass[tikz, border=2mm]{standalone}



    Core/.style={rectangle, draw, fill=CoreBlue,  draw opacity=0, text=white},

  \node[Core,minimum width=12mm,minimum height=8mm, anchor=west,
    % inner sep=-10mm,  % no change
    % inner ysep=-10mm,  % no change
    % text height=1mm,  % changes text position, but not node size
    % text width=0.2cm,  % changes text position, but not node size
  ] (1) at (0,0) {\scriptsize Lorem};

enter image description here
However, I am looking for something more like:

enter image description here

Best Answer

You are setting minimum width=12mm and minimum height=8mm so your box is going to be at least this big and you will have "large margins" unless your text can fill the void. If you do not want the margins then take out the minimum width and height specifications. If, in addition, you add inner sep=0.5mm then you get pretty close to what you are asking for:

enter image description here

(I've zoomed in on the image, which is why it is slightly bigger than above.) Now that the width and height are not fixed, tikz is able to adjust the size of the box so that it fits the text.

Here's the updated code:

\documentclass[tikz, border=2mm]{standalone}



    Core/.style={rectangle, draw, fill=CoreBlue,  draw opacity=0, text=white},

  \node[Core,inner sep=0.5mm,anchor=west,
  ] (1) at (0,0) {\scriptsize Lorem};