[Tex/LaTex] tikz inside lstlisting inside tikz


Here is the minimum working example:

  \node[draw] (PersonLocation Graph) {
  <collection name=PersonLocation BiMap>
  ! \tikz \node[shape=circle,draw](srchead) {H};!
  ! \tikz \node[shape=circle,draw](deshead) {E};
     %(srchead) edge[<->, bend left] (deshead.south); 




I want to draw an edge from node H to E. I tried using statement srchead) edge[<->, bend left] (deshead.south); (commented out in the code). Thanks in advance for your input.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Instead of using nested tikzpictures, I would suggest you another approach using a variant of the ubiquitous \tikzmark; first you place the nodes, and then you draw the path:


  \tikz[remember picture,overlay]\node[circle,draw] (#1) {#2};}


  <collection name=PersonLocation BiMap>



\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\path (srchead) edge[<->, bend right] (deshead.south);


enter image description here

The frame is now obtained with the option frame=tblr, and the width is controlled with linewidth=o.85\textwidth.