[Tex/LaTex] TIKZ : How to decorate a \path


My question is about drawing a "commutative-type diagram" in mathematics. I would like to integrate an arrow of the type \rightsquigarrow, which is described how to be obtained here : Squiggly arrows in tikz.

The problem is that I uses \path to connect the entries of my matrix in tikz (because this part comes integrated in a bigger diagram), and i get an error

"Package PGF Error: I cannot decorate an empty path.".

The code is



\matrix (m) [matrix of math nodes, row sep=3em, column sep=4em, text height=2ex, text depth=0.25ex]
{ U & U \\};
\path [->, font=\scriptsize, line join=round, decoration={
segment length=4,
post length=2pt}, decorate] (m-1-1) edge node[auto] {F} (m-1-2);


where the decorate part does not work.

Best Answer

You could specify the decoration to the path, and give the edge the decorate option:

\path [->, decoration={zigzag,segment length=4,amplitude=.9,
  post=lineto,post length=2pt},font=\scriptsize,
  line join=round] (m-1-1) edge[decorate] node[auto] {F} (m-1-2);

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