[Tex/LaTex] TikZ: How to change the path color without changing nodes alongside


It is difficult to google for this problem, as I use the to command in tikz in order to bend edges left or right.

      mynode/.style={text width=4cm,draw,rounded
      corners=5pt,shape=rectangle,minimum width=1cm,text depth=2cm,inner sep=5pt},
      node distance=\nodedist,
      arrow label/.style={midway,fill=white,draw,shape=rectangle,rounded corners=3pt},
   \draw (0,0) node[mynode] (model) {
      \hrulefill \\
   \node[mynode,right=of model] (view) {
      \hrulefill \\

   \node[mynode] (controller) at ($(model) !0.5! (view) + (0,-\nodedist)$) {
      \hrulefill \\
   \draw[->] (controller.west) to[bend left,red]  node[arrow label] {Change state} (model.south);
   \draw[->] (controller.east) to[bend right]  node[arrow label] {Update display} (view.south);
   \draw[->]  (view.west) to[bend right]  node[arrow label] {Send user input} (controller.north);
   \draw[->]  (view.north) to[bend right]  node[arrow label] {Request state} (model.north);
   \draw[->]  (model.east) to[bend left] node[arrow label] {Notify of change} (view.north west);


I want to change the arrow colour without affecting the nodes placed along it. Is this straightforwardly possible?
I could use edge from the graph library, but I wonder if it can be done with to.

Best Answer

You can use a scope with the option

every to/.style={append after command={[draw=red]}}


\begin{scope}[every to/.style={append after command={[draw=red]}}]
   \draw[->] (controller.west) to[bend left]  node[arrow label] {Change state} (model.south);
   \draw[->] (controller.east) to[bend right]  node[arrow label] {Update display} (view.south);
   \draw[->]  (view.west) to[bend right]  node[arrow label] {Send user input} (controller.north);
   \draw[->]  (view.north) to[bend right]  node[arrow label] {Request state} (model.north);
   \draw[->]  (model.east) to[bend left] node[arrow label] {Notify of change} (view.north west);

To prevent this from making the node borders red, use draw=black in

arrow label/.style={midway,fill=white,draw=black,shape=rectangle,rounded corners=3pt},

Full code:

      mynode/.style={text width=4cm,draw,rounded
      corners=5pt,shape=rectangle,minimum width=1cm,text depth=2cm,inner sep=5pt},
      node distance=\nodedist,
      arrow label/.style={midway,fill=white,draw=black,shape=rectangle,rounded corners=3pt},
   \draw (0,0) node[mynode] (model) {
      \hrulefill \\
   \node[mynode,right=of model] (view) {
      \hrulefill \\

   \node[mynode] (controller) at ($(model) !0.5! (view) + (0,-\nodedist)$) {
      \hrulefill \\
   \begin{scope}[every to/.style={append after command={[draw=red]}}]
   \draw[->] (controller.west) to[bend left]  node[arrow label] {Change state} (model.south);
   \draw[->] (controller.east) to[bend right]  node[arrow label] {Update display} (view.south);
   \draw[->]  (view.west) to[bend right]  node[arrow label] {Send user input} (controller.north);
   \draw[->]  (view.north) to[bend right]  node[arrow label] {Request state} (model.north);
   \draw[->]  (model.east) to[bend left] node[arrow label] {Notify of change} (view.north west);

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