[Tex/LaTex] how to add space between nodes in tikz


I have the following tikz picture:



 \node(x1) {$x_1$};
 \node(x2) [right of = x1] {$x_2$};
 \node(x3) [right of = x2]{$x_3$};
 \node(x4) [right of = x3]{$x_4$};

 \draw [->] (x1) -- (x2) ;
 \draw [->] (x2) -- (x3) ;
 \draw [->] (x3) -- (x4) ;

 \node(y1) [below of = x1]{$y_1$};
 \node(y2) [right of = y1] {$y_2$};
 \node(y3) [right of = y2] {$y_3$};
 \node(y4) [right of = y3] {$y_4$};

 \draw [->] (y1) -- (x1) ;
 \draw [->] (y2) -- (x2) ;
 \draw [->] (y3) -- (x3) ;
 \draw [->] (y4) -- (x4) ;



I want the arrows to be longer. When I use "shorten >= -5pt" for example, in the draw command in the square brackets, the arrows become longer, but they go over the nodes. Is there a way to make everything more spacious, in addition to lengthening the arrows?

Also, is there a way to insert another node to the left of one of the vertical arrows? (or more specifically, how do I state "below of" or "left of" etc. for an arrow, and not a node?) I tried \draw(arr1) to label the arrow, and then later put a node to the left of arr1, but I get an error.

Best Answer

You shouldn't use below of = node. It is deprecated (see Difference between "right of=" and "right=of" in PGF/TikZ). Instead use the positioning library from tikz. It allows you to write right = 1.5cm of node. You may vary or leave out the distance.

To label a path, just add node[left] {label 1} behind the --. You may add pos=value with a value between 0 and 1 to the node options to specify the position on the path.


(your modified code)




        \node(x1) {$x_1$};
        \node(x2) [right = 1.5cm of x1] {$x_2$};
        \node(x3) [right = 1.5cm of x2]{$x_3$};
        \node(x4) [right = 1.5cm of x3]{$x_4$};

        \draw [->] (x1) -- (x2) ;
        \draw [->] (x2) -- (x3) ;
        \draw [->] (x3) -- (x4) ;

        \node(y1) [below = 2 of x1]{$y_1$};
        \node(y2) [below = 2 of x2] {$y_2$};
        \node(y3) [below = 2 of x3] {$y_3$};
        \node(y4) [below = 2 of x4] {$y_4$};

        \draw [->] (y1) -- node[left, pos=0.2] {beginning} (x1) ;
        \draw [->] (y2) -- node[left, pos=.8] {ending} (x2) ;
        \draw [->] (y3) -- node[left] {label 3} (x3) ;
        \draw [->] (y4) -- node[left] {label 4} (x4) ;

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