[Tex/LaTex] Tikz: Better way to draw this simple diagram


I want to draw something like this diagram in TikZ. My code is:


    \node (wrijving)                           {wrijving};
    \node (lading)   [right=of wrijving]       {(onzichtbare) lading};
    \node (elkracht) [below=of lading]         {elektrische kracht};
    \node (afst)     [below left=of elkracht]  {afstoten};
    \node (aantr)    [below right=of elkracht] {aantrekken};

    \path (wrijving) edge[->] (lading)
          (lading)   edge[->] (elkracht)
          (elkracht) edge[-] (afst)
                     edge[-] (aantr);

Which gives this:

Probably there's a better way to draw this, but I don't know how.

I also want "afstoten" and "aantrekken" to be closer. I know you can specify a value to below and left, but is is possible to have a branch with normal length, and just rotate it x deg?

Best Answer

Since it's a tree, here's a possibility using the forest package; the code is considerably shorter now and you have the desired control over the separation of the two lower elements using, for exmaple, the calign options (see lines commented out in my example code):



for tree={edge={->},
%calign=fixed edge angles,
%calign primary angle=-40,calign secondary angle=40
  [(onzichtbare) lading
    [elektrische kracht    


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