[Tex/LaTex] The symbol for a map which is an isomorphism


Suppose I have a map AB which is an isomorphism. I'd like to represent this as something that looks like \rightarrow with \simunder it. I could try \underset{}_{}, but is there already a ready made symbol?

I couldn't find the symbol using Detexify, nor in the comprehensive list of LaTeX symbols.

Best Answer

Theoretically, you could use \xrightarrow[\sim]{} (from amsmath) or \xlongrightarrow[\sim]{} (from extarrows). Both look horrible though. The \sim on top of the arrow (like \xlongrightarrow{\sim}) looks somewhat better.

Unicode defines ⥴ (U+2974 RIGHTWARDS ARROW ABOVE TILDE OPERATOR), which you can use in case you run Xe/LuaLaTeX with unicode-math (either directly or with the \rightarrowsimilar alias). There are also ⥱ (\equalrightarrow), ⥲ (\similarrightarrow), ⥳ (\leftarrowsimilar), ⥵ (\rightarrowapprox) and other strange things.