[Tex/LaTex] Symbol for a laboratory flask


Is anybody aware of a dingbat symbol resembling something like a conical flask from a laboratory, or alternatively an old-fashioned round-bottomed bottle? I've scanned through the comprehensive symbols list document a couple of times, but haven't found anything.

I could draw one in TikZ, but I'd rather use one that already exists.

Best Answer

If you're looking for an icon, the fontawesome font has a fa-flask icon, accessible with the fontawesome package through the \faBeaker command. Note, as it's an Opentype font, you can use it only with LuaLateX or XeLaTeX.

New: Since version 4.4, fontawesome can be used with (pdf)latex.




This can be used as a labo icon: \color{Cyan2}\enspace \faBeaker


enter image description here