[Tex/LaTex] Looking for symbol: Shield


I am looking for a "Shield" symbol:

enter image description here

I already perused the Comprehensive Latex Symbol List, with the closest fit being \dsheraldical from the dictsym package, which is however non-satisfactory because of the diagonal bar – I need both the symbol itself and a strike-through version of the symbol, and that doesn't look good with \dsheraldical.

I also tried Detexify, but either my drawing skills suck or such a symbol simply doesn't exist.

Any suggestions – either for where to find that symbol, or how to "create" it through other ways?

EDIT: Building on Jake's answer, my solution looks like this:


% Smaller than Jake's version, which was much larger than other symbols
\newcommand\shield{ \tikz [baseline] \draw (0,1.5ex) -- (0,0.75ex) arc [radius=0.5ex, start angle=-180, end angle=0] -- (1ex,1.5ex) -- cycle; }
% Strikethrough version of the same symbol
\newcommand\struckshield{ \tikz [baseline] \draw (0,1.5ex) -- (0,0.75ex) arc [radius=0.5ex, start angle=-180, end angle=0] -- (1ex,1.5ex) -- cycle (0,0) -- (1.0ex,1.75ex); }

Look, Ma, I can do TikZ! šŸ™‚

Best Answer

You could, of course, use TikZ for this:

The symbol will scale with your font size, since it uses ex to define the path.

    \tikz [baseline] \draw (0,1.75ex) -- (0,0.75ex) arc [radius=0.75ex, start angle=-180, end angle=0] -- (1.5ex,1.75ex) -- cycle;%

A shield: \shield

If you're feeling fancy, you could parametrise it a bit:

    shield width/.store in=\shieldwidth,
    shield width=1.5ex,
    shield height/.store in=\shieldheight,
    shield height=1.75ex
\tikz [baseline,#1] \draw (0,\shieldheight) -- (0,\shieldwidth/2) arc [radius=\shieldwidth/2, start angle=-180, end angle=0] -- (\shieldwidth,\shieldheight) -- cycle;%

A shield: \shield

A wide shield: \shield[shield width=2ex]

A tall shield: \shield[shield height=3ex]