[Tex/LaTex] Looking for stylized H-symbol


I'm wondering if LaTeX knows the following symbol (sorry for the hand-drawing, I didn't even find it online once):

Stylized H

It's kind of a stylized H letter that is sometimes used to denote the Hilbert Transform. I'm aware that the Hilbert Transform is usually notated differently, but I need exactly that symbol, if available.

I checked detexify and also the comprehensive LaTeX symbol list, at least the mathematical parts and found nothing.

Edit: It is different from the calligraphic H (\mathcal{H}) which looks like this here

Calligraphic H

Best Answer

The H produced by the \mathscr macro of the MathTime Pro 2 Professional font package -- note that it's not free of charge -- may (or may not...) be what you're looking for:

enter image description here

\usepackage[mtpscr]{mtpro2} % http://www.pctex.com/mtpro2.html

Many more possibilities present themselves if you're willing and able to use LuaLaTeX and/or XeLaTeX and the unicode-math package, as several modern math Opentype fonts feature a math script alphabet. Here are four more possibilities; the last one (from TeX Gyre Pagella Math) may be of particular interest to you:

enter image description here

% !TEX TS-program = lualatex
\setmathfont[version=XITS]{XITS Math}
\setmathfont[version=Asana]{Asana Math}
\setmathfont[version=Pagella]{TeX Gyre Pagella Math}
\setmathfont[version=Termes]{TeX Gyre Termes Math}
\mathversion{XITS}    $\mathscr{H}$ \quad
\mathversion{Asana}   $\mathscr{H}$ \quad
\mathversion{Termes}  $\mathscr{H}$ \quad
\mathversion{Pagella} $\mathscr{H}$ \quad