TikZ-PGF – Drawing the Belt for a Chain of Gears


I want to draw like this

enter image description here

Gears I created based on rpapa's codes.



  \foreach \zz in{1,2,...,\Zb}{
    -- (\zz/\Zb*360-\Angledecal:\Rp)
    to[bend right=\demiAngle]
    ({{180/pi*(-\t+tan(180/pi*\t)) +\zz/\Zb*360+\Angledecal}:\Rb/cos(180/pi*\t)})
    to[bend right=\demiAngle]
    ({{180/pi*(\AngleT+tan(180/pi*-\AngleT)) +(\zz+1)/\Zb*360-\Angledecal}:
    ({{180/pi*(-\t+tan(180/pi*\t)) +(\zz+1)/\Zb*360-\Angledecal}:\Rb/cos(180/pi*\t)});


\path[fill=DarkSlateGray!70!Sepia] circle(40);
\draw[thick,double distance=2pt,fill=white] circle(20) ;
\path[fill=DarkSlateGray!70!Sepia] circle(17.5);
\draw[thick,double distance=2pt,fill=white] circle(8);


How do I draw the belt?

Best Answer

An example using the tangent coordinate system and the math, calc and decoration libraries. The tangent coordinate system requires nodes, so I guess in a "proper" application with more fancy wheels they would need to be created invisibly.

\pgfdeclaredecoration{chain links}{start}{
\state{start}[width=0pt, next state=draw,
  persistent precomputation={
  \draw [fill=gray!50] (-\linklength/4,-\linklength/4) 
  arc (270:90:\linklength/4)
  .. controls ++(\linklength/8,0) and ++(-\linklength/8,0)
  .. (0,\linklength/6)
  .. controls ++(\linklength/8,0) and ++(-\linklength/8,0)
  .. (\linklength/4, \linklength/4)
  arc (90:-90:\linklength/4)
  .. controls ++(-\linklength/8,0) and ++(\linklength/8,0)
  .. (0,-\linklength/6)
  .. controls ++(-\linklength/8,0) and ++(\linklength/8,0)
  .. (-\linklength/4, -\linklength/4);
    (-\linklength/4,0) circle [radius=\linklength/8]
    (\linklength/4,0) circle [radius=\linklength/8];
\begin{tikzpicture}[wheel/.style={fill=gray!70, circle, minimum size=#1*2cm}]
  coordinate \p;
  \p1 = (0,0); \p2 = (4,0);
  \r1 = 2; \r2 = 1;
    \node [wheel=\r1] (big) at (\p1) {};
    \node [wheel=\r2] (little) at (\p2) {};
  \p3 = (tangent cs:node=big, point={(little.north)});
  \a = atan2(\py3-\py1, \px3-\px1);  
\draw [decoration={chain links, links=40}, decorate] 
  ($(\p1)+(\a:\r1)$)  arc (\a:360-\a:\r1) --
  ($(\p2)+(-\a:\r2)$) arc (-\a:\a:\r2)    -- cycle;

enter image description here

And just a follow-up to John Kormylo's excellent answer, here is a gears pic. Note, that the pic specification uses unit-less numbers for gear size (diameter) and x-y coordinates to delay the conversion to points. This helps to avoid math overflow or unexpected output when the coordinates have units but the size does not (or vice versa).

  set gear dots/.style={
    gear dots/.style={dash pattern=on 4pt off 4pt, dash phase=#1}},
  set gear dots=0pt,
  pics/gears/.style args={size #1 at (#2,#3) and size #4 at (#5,#6)}{code={
  \r1 = #1/2; \r2 = #4/2;
  \gm = atan2(#3-#6, #2-#5);
  \th = acos((\r1 == \r2) ? 0 : (\r2-\r1) / veclen(#5-#2, #6-#3));
  coordinate \c, \t;
  \c1 = (#2, #3); \t1 = (\c1) + (360-\th+\gm:\r1);
  \c2 = (#5, #6); \t2 = (\c2) + (\th+\gm:\r2);
\draw [black!80, thick, fill=gray!25] (\c1) circle [radius=\r1];
\draw [black!80, thick, fill=gray!25] (\c2) circle [radius=\r2];
\draw [gray, ultra thick, postaction={draw=gray!50, gear dots, ultra thick}] 
  (\t2) arc (\th+\gm:360-\th+\gm:\r2) -- 
  (\t1) arc (360-\th+\gm:360+\th+\gm:\r1) -- cycle;
\foreach \i in {0,...,7}{
\tikz[set gear dots=\i]{
  \pic {gears={size 1 at (1,-1) and size 2 at (3,2)}};
  \pic {gears={size 1 at (-1,0) and size 1 at (-1,3)}};
  \pic {gears={size 0.5 at (-1,3) and size 1 at (3,2)}};
  \pic {gears={size 0.5 at (-1,0) and size 0.25 at (1,-1)}};

enter image description here