[Tex/LaTex] Text before title and all in one page in lyx


I am writing an article in LyX using the article.cls. I need to have some text before the title. But in the pdf output this text appears in a separate page and the title and the rest of the article is pushed down to a fresh new page. I want all of this in one page — the first page.

How do I get rid of this page break between the text and title?

Best Answer

A dirty trick (I am too lazy to redefine \maketitle):

   Some {\em previous} text 


    Lore ipsum ...


In LyX, with the Insertmenu you can make first a minipage. Then define the title, authors and the date (in a a ERT if you want \today) inside the minipage:


Note: The LaTeX generated with Lyx produce a minipage with the [t]op option and a width of 1\columnwidth, where \title, \authour and \date are placed in the minipage (and not in the preamble as in the MWE), but the result is the same.