[Tex/LaTex] Symbol for “rotate around axis”


I have two pictures of an object where I need to indicate that one is rotated by (around a certain axis), preferably with the arrow in the picture – BUT – I can't seem to find this arrow in the "comprehensive latex symbol list". Anyone has any idea where to get?

I already have alternatives but would prefer to have this if possible:

enter image description here

Best Answer

Here is a tikz version which automatically gets you all the flexibility inherent in tikz such as rotating the symbol to be appropriate for the axis, adjusting the line style, colors, arrow style, etc...

enter image description here

Further Enhancement:

  • Automatically rotate the symbol to be along the path.
  • Provide a style setting that can be used to customize the symbol



    \tikz [x=0.25cm,y=0.60cm,line width=.2ex,-stealth,#1] \draw (0,0) arc (-150:150:1 and 1);%

\draw (0,0)  -- (3,0)  node [midway] {\AxisRotator};
\draw (0,0)  -- (0,-3) node [midway] {\AxisRotator[rotate=-90]};
\draw (0,-3) -- (3,0)  node [midway] {\AxisRotator[rotate=60]};
\draw (0,0)  -- (3,0)  node [midway] {\AxisRotator[x=0.2cm,y=0.4cm,->,densely dotted]};
\draw (0,0)  -- (0,-3) node [midway] {\AxisRotator[x=0.2cm,y=0.4cm,->,rotate=-90,blue, dashed]};
\draw (0,-3) -- (3,0)  node [midway] {\AxisRotator[x=0.2cm,y=0.4cm,->,rotate=60, red ]};