[Tex/LaTex] Spacing in pgfplots bar plot


I've been trying to plot an xbar graph using pgfplots within a tikzpicture. I want to be able to only show the yaxis on the left and the x axis on the bottom. When I set axis y line=left and axis x line=bottom though, I get arrows on the axis. Is it possible to remove them? Also, I can't seem to control the spacing of the bar plots, is that possible? I'd like them to be much closer together then they are currently. Here's my attempt so far:

    symbolic y coords={4 Sep 11,4 Oct 11,4 Nov 11},
    nodes near coords={\$\pgfmathprintnumber\pgfplotspointmeta},
    nodes near coords align={horizontal},
    axis x line=bottom,
    axis y line=left,
    bar width=12pt,
    enlarge limits=0.2,
    coordinates {(121.28,4 Nov 11) (100.00,4 Oct 11) (50.00,4 Sep 11)};

The output of which is:

enter image description here

Things I have tried: enlarge limits (If I enable it, the plot looks a bit nicer), xbar interval and shrinking the height of the plot to no avail. I'm a little stumped at the moment.

Best Answer

Use the starred version of these options. Regarding the distance between the bars you should increase the height of the plot.


      symbolic y coords={4 Sep 11,4 Oct 11,4 Nov 11},
      nodes near coords={\$\pgfmathprintnumber\pgfplotspointmeta},
      nodes near coords align={horizontal},
      axis x line*=bottom,
      axis y line*=left,
      bar width=12pt,
      \addplot[fill=blue] coordinates {(121.28,4 Nov 11) (100.00,4 Oct 11) (50.00,4 Sep 11)};

Details in the pgfplots manual