[Tex/LaTex] Asymmetric “enlarge x limits” in pgfplots


I need to specify different "enlarge x limits" for the lower and upper axis extrema. Something like enlarge x limits={{value=0.2,upper}, {value=0.4,lower}} does not work however. Any ideas? Using xmin and xmax to modify the range first is not an option as I use "symbolic x coords".


\begin{axis}[ybar,ymin=0,symbolic x coords={a,b,c}, enlarge x limits=true, xtick=data, legend pos=south east]
\addplot coordinates { (a,10) (b,15) (c,20) };

Here I want to make room at lower side to show the bar properly and add more whitespace at the upper side to make room for the legend (I prefer to keep the legend inside the plot).

Best Answer

PGFPlots uses the same value for both upper and lower limit in enlarge * limits; the use-case of different values is unsupported (sorry). You may need to consider a different solution.