[Tex/LaTex] Shift up a title in beamer


I have been trying to shift a title up in beamer but I couldn't. I have tried with \vspace but it is not useful here, as you can check..
I have read all similar posts but no one was helpful for me.

Here is a MWE:

\setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number]
\setbeamersize{text margin left=2em,text margin right=2em}
\title{Thermodynamics applied to microscopic phenomena using a computational-quantum mechanics approach}
\institute{{\large University of Maryland}\\~\\
    {\small Faculty of sciences}}
\author[Hermann]{Hermann Hesse}


Any help will be well received.

Best Answer

using \vspace{...}:

\setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number]
\setbeamersize{text margin left=2em,text margin right=2em}

\title{Thermodynamics applied to microscopic phenomena using a computational-quantum mechanics approach}
\institute{{\large University of Maryland}\\~\\
    {\small Faculty of sciences}}
\author[Hermann]{Hermann Hesse}


enter image description here