[Tex/LaTex] Beamer uppercase title


Consider the following MWE:


\setbeamerfont{title}{shape=\bfseries, size=\large}

\title[Bold title]{Uppercase bold title}
\subtitle{Uppercase subtitle}
\author[John Doe]{John Doe}
\institute[]{March 2017}




How can I get make both the \title and \subtitle uppercased but only use bold fonts for the title?
Ideally I would like directly to patchmaketitle or titlepage without defining a new titlepage (with defbeamertemplate*{title page}).

Best Answer

Hoping \setbeamertemplate does not fall in your \defbeamertemplate dislike


\setbeamerfont{title}{shape=\bfseries, size=\large}

\title[Bold title]{Uppercase bold title}
\subtitle{Uppercase subtitle}
\author[John Doe]{John Doe}
\institute[]{March 2017}

\setbeamertemplate{title page}{%




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