[Tex/LaTex] Reduce space between figures in tabular


I have arranged 4 plots using tabular. Now I try to decrease the space between the rows to move the plots and the labels closer together.

In another post (Column and row padding in tables) I read I should use


However this is only working to a fixed lower bound (0.5 or something). I would like to decrease the space even more.

Here is a simplified example:



    \input{top_left_figure.tex} & \input{top_right_figure.tex} \\
    (a) Sub figure 1 & (b)  Sub figure 2 \\
    \input{bottom_left_figure.tex} & \input{bottom_right_figure.tex} \\
    (c)  Sub figure 3 & (d)  Sub figure 4
\caption{My title}


Best Answer

I suggest you not use a tabular environment to accomplish your formatting objective. Instead, consider loading the subcaption package and using four subfigure environments inside the figure environment.

A notable advantage of this approach is that you can use LaTeX's \label-\ref cross-referencing mechanism for individual subfigures as well as for the figure as a whole.

enter image description here

\documentclass[demo]{article} % omit 'demo' option in real document



\caption{Subfigure 1} \label{fig:4picsa}
\caption{Subfigure 2} \label{fig:4picsb}

\caption{Subfigure 3} \label{fig:4picsc}
\caption{Subfigure 4} \label{fig:4picsd}

\caption{My title} \label{fig:4pics}

A cross-reference to Figure~\ref{fig:4pics}. Cross-references to Subfigures~\ref{fig:4picsa} and~\ref{fig:4picsd}.
