[Tex/LaTex] Reduce space before and after tabular environment


I have a document with many occurrences of


I have been unable to find a global command that will reduce the vertical space before and after this environment. Any help appreciated. Here is the context:

\preto{\@verbatim}{\topsep=-1.5pt \partopsep=-1pt }
\parskip 14pt
\parindent 0ex
. . . 
\vbox{\noindent\textbf{re : Race/Ethnicity}
\begin{tabular}{ rrr }
n&missing&unique \\
4269&0&5 \end{tabular}
Mexican American (744, 17%), Other Hispanic (478, 11%) 
Non-Hispanic White (2103, 49%), Non-Hispanic Black (762, 18%) 
Other Race Including Multi-Racial (182, 4%) 

As Peter Grill stated (even though I didn't write a completely executable example) the act of simplifying is very useful – I think the \parskip is much of my problem. I think a solution to this is:


which gets rid of extra space before the tabular but leaves too much afterwards.

The reason I've set parskip and parindent as I have (14pt, 0ex) is that this is for handouts for a course that also look decent when projected on a screen, i.e., this is a cross between printed and projected material.

Best Answer

Have you tried to add this command to your preamble?


You can globally change parskip using


Set the values to fit your needs.

Hope this helps.