How to reduce horizontal space between figures in tabular


I'm using this code



    % after \\: \hline or \cline{col1-col2} \cline{col3-col4} ...
    \includegraphics[trim = {3.32cm 10.61cm 3.32cm 10.61cm},clip,width=1.75in]{newresults/th1dis} &\includegraphics[trim = {3.32cm 10.61cm 3.32cm 10.61cm},clip,width=1.75in]{newresults/T1dis}\\
    \includegraphics[trim = {3.32cm 10.61cm 3.32cm 10.61cm},clip,width=1.75in]{newresults/th2dis} &\includegraphics[trim = {3.32cm 10.61cm 3.32cm 10.61cm},clip,width=1.75in]{newresults/T2dis}\\
  \caption{my caption.}

now I want to reduce the horizontal space between the figures which are side by side, is it possible ?

Best Answer

There is nothing special about images, here \includegraphics is positioned like a letter such as x. A tabular soecification of ll has \tabcolsep spacing around each column so you could use l@{}l to remove the middle space or locally in the figure use \setlength\tabcolsep{1pt} or whatever length you want.